Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Sandwich: A Meaty Misspelling

Carrie Underwood Sandwich: A Meaty Misspelling

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 15th, 2009 in Business, Female Singers, Food & Drink, Restaurants.

Carrie Underwood and her dog Ace at Los Angeles airport

There’s an eatery called Belles Cafe in Willinston, Vermont that has a sandwich named after Carrie Underwood.

There are two problems with this.

Her name is spelled “Carry” in the sandwich title and it is maheeeatay, as a fan on carriefans.com found out.

“I went to my local deli and bakery called Belles Cafe yesterday with my cousin and we were looking at the menu and she yells “omg I bet you are getting the Carrie Underwood.” i didn’t know what she was talking about so I look up at the menu and they have a sandwich called Carrie Underwood. And then my cousin yells “obviously they didn’t do any research before creating her sandwich.” They spelt her name “Carry” and her sandwich had meat on it. I was mad because I wanted to get it, but being a vegetarian myself I couldn’t. I was still excited though because it was so random.”

We’ve seen this before.

Natalie Portman‘s lobster salad.

Prince Fielder‘s meaty pizza made in honor of his accomplishments.

But hey, we won’t complain too much.

At least those guys got their names spelled right.

No harsh feelings to Cafe Belles, of course.

We’re just hoping they modify the Carrie sandwich.

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2 Responses to “Carrie Underwood Sandwich: A Meaty Misspelling”

  1. Carrie has her own sandwhich - Carrie Underwood Fans Says:

    […] some website called "Vegatarian Star" posted an article about this!!! Carrie Underwood Sandwich: A Meaty Misspelling __________________ Credit to ForeverEternity at […]

  2. Nora Says:

    Not knowing she was a vegetarian-bad, but still understandable.

    Not spelling her name right…that’s just ridiculous.