Quantcast Vegetarian StarModel Suzanne McCabe Will Pose In PETA’s First Irish Anti-Fur Ad

Model Suzanne McCabe Will Pose In PETA’s First Irish Anti-Fur Ad

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 10th, 2009 in Fur, Models.


PETA is definitely the type of organization that looks for world domination.

They’ve recruited dozens of US and European celebrities to front anti-fur, vegetarian, and other animal rights campaigns and are inching in on South America with Lydia Guerra.  Now, Irish animal lovers will be proud to call Suzanne McCabe their own as she’ll be starring in PETA’s first “I’d Rather Go Naked than Wear Fur” campaign in the country.

McCabe recently turned vegetarian as well, so it couldn’t get any better!

“It’s not tacky at all; it’s very tastefully done,” McCabe said. “You can’t really see anything, but it still gets the message across, which is the most important thing.”

“My parents weren’t overly delighted when they heard about the nudity, but they know how important the cause is to me and I know once they see the pictures they will be happy.”

“It’s incredibly exciting because this is the first time this PETA campaign has ever been done here.”

McCabe’s ad is expected to go public by the end of the summer.

via Herald.ie

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