Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA Defends Steakhouse Strippin’ Pamela Anderson

PETA Defends Steakhouse Strippin’ Pamela Anderson

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 18th, 2009 in Actresses, Not So Vegetarian.

Pamela Anderson at the Millionaire Fair in Amsterdam

The veg gal Pamela Anderson recently agreed to launch the opening of a strip club. A strip club located in a steakhouse.

While we feel this isn’t the best example a vegetarian should be setting, PETA is defending one of its biggest partners in meatless crime. A statement from the organization:

“Pam is not a host but may be attending as an invited guest, and since steakhouses nowadays have some of the best salad bars and veggie options around, we’re sure she’ll find plenty to eat should she attend.”

Well, sure, a steakhouse always has some vegetables. That’s why they call it “meat and potatoes.”

If she really wants to do some promoting, she’ll champion for a veggie burger on the steakhouse menu.

via Ecorazzi.com

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3 Responses to “PETA Defends Steakhouse Strippin’ Pamela Anderson”

  1. Pamela Hater Says:

    Hmm…Looking for money. Anywhere she can get it.

  2. Natasha Says:

    Shame on her! She does anything and everything for attention and money. Good and bad. I prefer the good stuff over the bad any day.

  3. tommies doodle Says:

    i wonder how many steaks will sell directly because of her presence? Seems to me that sexy symbols and steak tend to draw a common patron……. way to ” fight the fight” pam !
    … I wonder if she is even truly a vegetarian…..Come to think of it I seen a documentary of sorts with her in it (and she was eating meat like it was going out of style!