Quantcast Vegetarian StarMissy Higgins Fronts New PETA Anti-Fur Ad With Best Friend Izzy


We admit we’re in love with Missy Higgins. But what’s not to love about her?

A vegan with a beautiful voice and equally talented song writing skills, she’s no stranger to animal issues either. Remember when she got cuddly with the piggy?

Now she’s cozying up with Izzy the dog, and both want to convey a serious message about animals and the fur industry.

“If you wouldn’t wear your dog, please don’t wear any fur,” reads the ad.

“The only difference between your “best friend” and animals killed for their fur is how we treat them. All animals suffer and feel pain. Please don’t wear any fur or fur trim.”

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4 Responses to “Missy Higgins Fronts New PETA Anti-Fur Ad With Best Friend Izzy”

  1. Chuck E. No-Cheese Says:

    Cute lady. Heard she likes girls and boys. Ah…there’s still hope for me 🙂

  2. Natasha Says:

    Love this ad! Izzy is so adorable!

  3. Mindy Says:

    That’s an incredibly cute picture of Missy. A beautiful voice to match a beautiful face that goes with a beautiful, caring heart.

    I’m so glad I got the chance to see her perform live.

  4. izzy Says:

    kool pic!!
    i love this site!!
    proud supporter of this lifestyle!!
    un pour tous et tous pour un!!!