Quantcast Vegetarian StarRussell Simmons To Bossip: I’m Vegan And My Game Is Tight

Russell Simmons To Bossip: I’m Vegan And My Game Is Tight

Written by Vegetarian Star on April 8th, 2009 in Business, Models.

The Cinema Society Hosts A Screening Of The Mysteries Of Pittsburgh

Gossip blogs can be so cruel.

Bossip.com spied model Julie Henderson and Russell Simmons looking cozy and wrote up a post titled, “Digging For Gold,” implying that Henderson was looking for Simmons to be her sugar daddy.

Simmons wrote back and said:

“I read this morning your headline, “Digging for gold” with a picture of me and Julie Henderson saying that the picture was taken last week at some food event. This “digging for gold” photo was taken last night @ my apt. The event was a fundraiser for the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding…so you’re right we were digging for gold! The honoree was LL Cool J. The organization promotes religious and racial harmony. It is a deep investment of my time, passion and money. Currently, the main focus is Muslim/Jewish relations and we have 52 programs in America where imams speak in synagogues and rabbis speak in mosques We are also spreading this work all over the world. Please send your gold or donations to ffeu.org. Also, as for my “boney, boo” Julie Henderson, she is nobody’s gold digger…she is a quite independent supermodel. FYI. Before yoga and marriage, back in the Krush Groove days, I was fat and high on coke, but I was still known to have the baddest girls from all over the world. Now I’m rich, vegan, sober and in much better shape…Can’t u guys just accept that my game is tight!!!!

Oh, yeah. Don’t hate on the vegan man.

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3 Responses to “Russell Simmons To Bossip: I’m Vegan And My Game Is Tight”

  1. Natasha Says:

    lol I like his response to them!

  2. Rita Says:

    Are you less vegan if you own a company that produces leather shoes?

  3. Natasha Says:

    Oh God I didn’t know he sells leather! Ahhhh! I’m pissed at him now.