Quantcast Vegetarian StarAmber Tamblyn Had Calling For Pork Chops, Bacon

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What if God were one of us? Just a slob like one of us? Eating too many pork chops like one of us?

Remember Joan of Arcadia? The television series starring Amber Tamblyn, in which God regularly spoke to a teenage girl in person, sending her on adventures that seemed ridiculous, but in the end served a good purpose?

God took on the form of some pretty interesting people, including janitors and a Goth teenage boy with black lipstick and multiple piercings.

Perhaps to get more in touch with a “purer” side, Tamblyn tried going vegan while filming episodes of Joan. Like Joan of Arcadia, her vegan diet was later cancelled, as well as her vegetarian one.

From USAtoday.com:

“I was vegetarian for about three years. And then I wanted to try to be vegan when I was on Joan of Arcadia. I like pork chops, delicious pork chops! I love bacon. It’s delicious.”

What’s worst is that when the journalist questioned her ordering bacon and eggs during the interview, she rolled her eyes at the mention of reports that she was vegetarian.

We’re betting if Amber walked into the fake meat section of the grocery store, she’d find plenty of pork and bacon substitutes to satisfy her carnal urges.

Perhaps she’d even find a “special” stock boy working there explaining how she can change a life by buying the Lightlife Smart Bacon.

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4 Responses to “Amber Tamblyn Had Calling For Pork Chops, Bacon”

  1. Bree Says:

    What I don’t get is why these actresses have to act so bitchy when a vegetarian diet doesn’t work for them. Did she really have to roll her eyes and gush about how much she loves bacon? Couldn’t she have just said it didn’t work for her?

    To me, this makes other people think being vegetarian is a hardship. It’s her fault she wasn’t smart enough to learn to substitute faux meat products.

    But what can you expect from Hollywood.

  2. Matt Says:

    Well that’s sucky. She’s such a beautiful and talented actress, it would have been cool for her to be veg too.

    She is 25, but married to a 45 year old man. WTF???!!!

  3. Natasha Says:

    She’s gross! She needs to watch Earthlings and that HBO documentary abot cruelty on a pig farm! Then lets she how bitchy she is! lol

  4. Rita Says:

    I get the point of this story, but I’m distracted by your misuse of the word carnal.

    I know you didn’t mean to imply that she should have sex with all of the pork substitutes.