Quantcast Vegetarian StarWelcoming Our Latest Twitter Veg Celebs, AFI And Hunter Burgan

KROQ Almost Acoustic Xmas - Day 1

We’re really, really bad about birthdays. Ditto for anniversaries.

So while we’re a little late welcoming AFI and their bassist Hunter Burgan to our family of Twitter followers, it’s better late than never.

And we didn’t have to offer him a vegan burrito to join us.

Hunter is the Vegan Ambassador for Macbeth Vegan shoes, which he has said includes duties of, “creating new and better vegan foreign policy.” Last we checked, he was off to convince the Turkish ambassador to Chile to make chili with tofu instead of turkey.

Hunter tweets a lot. So much he won a Shorty Award, which goes to high achievers who can express themselves in 140 characters of less.

So pay him a visit on his blog at  Tranquilmammoth.com or follow his tweets @Tranquilmammoth.

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One Response to “Welcoming Our Latest Twitter Veg Celebs, AFI And Hunter Burgan”

  1. Sarah Says:

    Yay!!! Love Hunter and AFI! Check them out!