Quantcast Vegetarian StarAlan Donohoe Exposes Butt, Says Why He Went Vegan

Alan Donohoe Exposes Butt, Says Why He Went Vegan

Written by Vegetarian Star on March 27th, 2009 in Male Singers, Videos.

Earlier we learned Alan Donohoe of The Rakes had his butt covered environmentally due to his vegan diet.

However, the latest dirt on Alan reveals something completely contradictory. It seems he’s taken his pants off and exposed his butt on one occasion. But it was all in the name of animal rights.

Alan ran naked in PETA’s Running Of The Nudes, to help bulls in Pamplona, Spain.

Alan’s cute rescue kitty, Fritz, makes an appearance in this clip. 

Watch the video to learn why Alan went vegan and visit peta2.org to enter to win a personal ring tone recorded by Alan and a signed copy of The Rakes’ latest CD, Klang!

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