Quantcast Vegetarian StarO.A.R.’s Marc Roberge Says Turn The Fur Car Around

O.A.R.’s Marc Roberge Says Turn The Fur Car Around

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 28th, 2009 in Fur, Male Musicians, Male Singers.

Earth Day Network & Green Apple Festival Present Earth Day on the Mall

O.A.R front man Marc Roberge has recorded a Public Service Announcement against the fur industry.

Singer for the band known for it’s hits as “Love and Memories” and “Shattered (Turn The Car Around)” is the proud owner, along with his wife, of three dogs-two terrier mixes and an 11 year old pit bull-so it makes sense he’d want to speak out against an industry where in some places even cats and dogs are used and skinned alive. 

“I just find it so hard to believe that people find this practice acceptable at all, and they flaunt it,” Roberge said in an interview with PETA. “Makes me sick, to be honest. Do people crave attention that much? It is laughable that someone can’t see how barbaric wearing fur truly is.”

He advises the best way to get involved with helping animals is to volunteer at a shelter.

“My wife did that growing up and it definitely shaped a caring side of her that grows deeper every year.”

You can read the rest of Marc’s interview and listen to his Public Service Announcement at peta.org.

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