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Real World Eric Nies Is Vegan Life Coach

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 9th, 2009 in Models, Reality TV.



Eric Nies became famous for running around shirtless with the cast of the original MTV Real World series, exposing his pecs, abs, and whatever other parts the camera could legally show.

Last year, he and brother John created Chi-Force, a health and fitness program which combines ancient Eastern health philosophies with Western training techniques and Eric now considers himself a vegan life coach.

You can currently catch Eric on Vh1’s Confessions Of A Teen Idol, where former childhood stars openly air how sudden fame affected their lives and attempt to revitalize their careers.

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4 Responses to “Real World Eric Nies Is Vegan Life Coach”

  1. Natasha Says:

    I remember him running around showing off his bod. lol I would have never guessed he would become vegan.

  2. mango Says:

    He still runs around showing his bod off! HaHa He’s actually not just vegan, but RAW

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Eric Nies Confessed To Fasting For 40 Days Says:

    […] if anything like that happens on Vh1’s “Confessions of a Teen Idol”, vegan Eric Nies might not have a problem going hungry. It’s not like he hasn’t done it […]

  4. “MTV Real World”–Who Would You (The Vegan Edition) Says:

    […] Nies went on to become a vegan life coach. […]