Quantcast Vegetarian StarAni Phyo Rawest Of Them All

Ani Phyo Rawest Of Them All

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 4th, 2009 in Authors, Chefs, Food & Drink.


Update 1/7/09: Ani actually won 3 categories, as her book, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen, placed first for best raw vegan book of the year. Woohoo!

Remember that awesome vegan chef, Ani Phyo, who catered Maroon 5’s vegan Halloween party? Who knew that most of the guys in Maroon 5 were vegan before she came along? We sure didn’t!

She’s won two categories in the Best of Raw 2008 poll!

Ani won for Best Raw Chef and Sexiest Raw Vegan Woman (hubba, hubba, giggity, giggity). And although she is sexy, brains are what really count, and she won second place for her intellectual efforts as a Raw Vegan Educator.

Congrats to Ani!

With celebrities like Eva Longoria and Fergie making New Year’s resolutions to eat healthier and raw, Ani just might find herself catering more vegan parties to the stars soon.

via Ani Phyo

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3 Responses to “Ani Phyo Rawest Of Them All”

  1. Ani in the Vegetarian Star at Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Says:

    […] Ani Phyo Rawest of Them All My wins for Best Chef and Sexiest Raw Vegan Woman are mentioned in the Vegetarian Star. I also won Favorite Cookbook, btw. I’m listed along with some of my favorite celebs like Anthony Kiedis and Stella McCartney.  […]

  2. Health Food: Ani in the Vegetarian Star | myrain.org Says:

    […] Ani Phyo Rawest of Them All My wins for Best Chef and Sexiest Raw Vegan Woman are mentioned in the Vegetarian Star. I also won Favorite Cookbook, btw. So cool to be listed along with some of my favorite celebs like Anthony Kiedis and Stella McCartney. […]

  3. Vegetarian Star » Blog Archive » Jason Mraz Getting Rawer And Rawer Says:

    […] Best of Raw poll brought to our attention that vegan raw chef Ani Phyo swept several categories like Amy Winehouse took Grammies at last year’s awards […]