Quantcast Vegetarian StarNellie McKay “Home Sweet Mobile Home” Song “Unknown Reggae” About Meat

Nellie McKay has an extensive interview with Broadway World where she spills her heart on issues like animal rights and global warming, vegan food, favorite celebrities and that never going away topic of Lady Gaga‘s meat dress.

A song on her latest CD, Home Sweet Mobile Home, titled “Unknown Reggae,” is about animals being consumed for meat.

“For animal rights, it would be “Unknown Reggae” on the new record. It is about the meat, in particular. But, animal products – including dairy and eggs, although I know it is difficult to get off of them – that’s the quickest way to end global warming. It really has a terrible impact on the earth, eating higher up on the food chain like that. If we went back to the basics of vegetables, legumes, grains – the things closer to the earth – it’s a lot better for the earth and for other people. We can feed more people, we can feed the starving people.”

BW: People are getting sick from the meat. The world is overheating because of the meat. It’s all in the meat. Especially people our age, coming up, being more aware of it.
NM: Yeah, that’s the thing. I’m addicted to junk food, it’s just vegan junk food!

BW: It’s so much better!
NM: Yeah, and you can still overeat and do harm to yourself! Just not to the animals!

McKay loves Common‘s rap music, especially since he’s worked with PETA and when asked what she thought of Lady Gaga, she replied, “Well… I wasn’t too keen on the meat dress!”

More at Broadway World.

??Photo: PR Photos

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