Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Duck Dynasty” Creates Carrot Call For Vegetarians (Video)

Morrissey cancelled his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live because he was opposed to the late night host inviting members from the series Duck Dynasty, a show about a group of people who sell duck hunting tools.

In response, the duck hunters have humorously created a set of hunting tools for vegetarians, Carrot Call and Broccoli Trap.

Carrot call is a convenient product excites carrots so much, they pop right out of the ground and float into your hand.

It is designed to “mimic the call of the wild carrot.”

“Those little suckers leap right out of the ground and right into your mouth,” the commercial voiceover says.

Duck Dynasty is happy to offer bargains to veggies as well.

When you purchase two Carrot Calls, you get a teacup size broccoli trap for free.

Watch the funny clip above.

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