Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Wilde Gets Vegan Inspiration From Alicia Silverstone

Olivia Wilde

Olivia Wilde has been playing the role of real vegetarian for most of her life.

She decided to take on a new part in the diet after meeting vegan Alicia Silverstone on the set of Butter.

During an interview with Stylist, Wilde discussed how Silverstone motivated her to go vegan.

“I have been a vegetarian since I was like… 12,” Wilde said.

“But [being vegan] has been something that, for the past four years, has at times been consistent, other times less so,” she said of her more recent and more challenging dietary decision. “It helps if you have the right support system.”

“The person who really showed me the best way to do it was Alicia Silverstone. We were shooting a movie called ‘Butter’ and we were in Northern Louisiana — where there is no vegetarian food — and she cooked the most incredible recipes from the Kind dietfor me everyday. I have never looked or felt better in my life.”

“[Being vegan] is not always easy and accessible,” she continued, “but it’s a way of life and makes me as a person feel really good and physically look better. My skin was better, energy was better.”

More at Stylist.

Photo: Cristiano Del Riccio/Creative Commons

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