Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Wilde GQ October 2009: A Vegan Perfect Picture

Olivia Wilde GQ October 2009: A Vegan Perfect Picture

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 17th, 2009 in Actresses, Food & Drink.


Vegan House actress Olivia Wilde is gracing the cover of the October 2009 issue of GQ magazine and she’s giving the vegs a darn good name.

Apparently before the interview, the reporter had this “fantasy” plan of how everything would be conducted, including Olivia eating veggie burgers at In and Out.

Um, In-n-Out has veggie burgers? Don’t see any on the menu.

“We’re going to shoot sloppy pool and play Galaga and persuade two burly Hells Angels on their Harleys to drive us to an In-N-Out Burger, where I’ll order the Double-Double and Olivia, a vegetarian, will have a veggie burger and maybe a few fries, because, you know, she’s drunk, and those fries are amazing. Then we’ll climb into the hills and scale the famous hollywood sign, where we’ll sit until sunrise on opposite sides of the giant H, and Olivia will grandly recall her adventures in show business before she throws up, as I hold her flowing brown hair.”

Read the more realistic version of the conversation between GQ and Olivia at style.com.

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One Response to “Olivia Wilde GQ October 2009: A Vegan Perfect Picture”

  1. Rick Says:

    No, In-n-Out is definitely not the place for veggie alternatives, but I wonder if Burger King still makes their vegetarian patty?